Saturday, January 28, 2012

Compelling Picture Assignment

I had so much fun with this assignment as I LOVE photography and taking pictures. This assignment taught me that taking pictures is not just about capturing pretty landscape or sunset it’s about telling a story, establishing a mood, capturing someone’s attention.

A couple of weeks ago, our family was visiting Miami, Florida. What surprised me so much that the weather during those few days we were there was changing every hour. We say that the weather in Michigan is unpredictable but Miami weather was even more unpredictable. We stayed in a hotel by the harbor with a very nice scenery. One afternoon, all of a sudden the sky was divided into two parts:  sunny and stormy with big clouds. I quickly grabbed my camera and I was able to get some nice shots. I was able to capture a picture of incoming storm after a sunny afternoon. I think the integration of the boats in the story make the picture look complete. 

I believe this picture clearly shows the intensity of emotion. The picture shows the action of an incoming storm and makes the viewers question, is the storm just approaching or is it over? The contrast of the gloomy and clear sky in the same picture makes it look very compelling. The picture of just a cloudy sky is not compelling as there is really no story behind it and the mood is not captivating.
The shot of the clear sky and approaching storm is well exposed and that what gives it more compelling look.

The diagonal lines of the bridge and removal of the crane makes the first picture more compelling.

The not so compelling picture:

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